We are sending out a list of desperately needed items for Haiti that will go directly to the most remote mountains and coastal villages of Haiti where we have and continue to work for years. These villages of over 120,000 have only one doctor, that is desperate for meds knowing Cholera, Typhoid, Zika, Dysentery and Malaria will now become an immediate crisis . These villages NEVER have been reached by bigger organizations or the Goverment. They are extremely remote and difficult to reach, but is where our heart is. 120,000 are now in desperate need, WE NEED YOUR HELP!. Please, pack a box" of GOOD usable quality items.
We are sending out a list of desperately needed items for Haiti that will go directly to the most remote mountains and coastal villages of Haiti where we have and continue to work for years. These villages of over 120,000 have only one doctor, that is desperate for meds knowing Cholera, Typhoid, Zika, Dysentery and Malaria will now become an immediate crisis . These villages NEVER have been reached by bigger organizations or the Goverment. They are extremely remote and difficult to reach, but is where our heart is. 120,000 are now in desperate need, WE NEED YOUR HELP!. Please, pack a box" of GOOD usable quality items.
In Palm Beach county this week, there will be a container by Wednesday at Trinity Church International 7255 S. Military Trail, Lake Worth, Fl. 33463
A second container will be at 1177 W. Blue Heron Blvd. Riveria Beach, Fl. 33404.
The drop off times are from 9am to 6:00pm until they are filled.
There will also be a drop off point at WRMB radio station in Boynton beach. Please Label each box, World Harvest Missions." Haiti Hurricane Relief"
For Other areas in the country, please help us by taking the time also to "Pack a box" then mark - World Harvest Missions, PAP Haiti " Hurricane Relief." send to
Missionary Flts Intl. In Vero Beach Fla. call 772-462-2395. They will tell you how and how much per lb. to send. We will receive this right away in Haiti and
distribute to the un reached areas.
You can also call and send a box to Agape Flts, in Venus Fla. to Gladis Mungo, a missionary stationed in the south. Address Gladys Mongo, Hurricane Relief Aux Caye Haiti. These boxes will help us to pick up also near remote areas. Agape is 941-488-0990. Please call for instructions per lb. Please mark on box in corner initials NLFK. (short for New Life For Kids.) for any further questions please call our Fla. office 561-561-868-5005 .
Thank you for being Gods hands extended. Please don't forget to tape a packing list to each box. Packing a box saves time and allows quick delivery to Haiti . Please keep the boxes coming as this will not go away for a long time. Consider telling your friend please to get the word out as many wonder how they can help. Perhaps send a box a month to keep help coming. Funds are needed badly to purchase food and medicine, etc. Go to to donate. We will be going over next week to distribute in many locations with the funds received on our hurricane site.
Container Donation / Needs List Haiti:
-Water in Bottles and Gallons
-Clothing – all items needed for toddlers, children and adults
-Shoes / Sandals – for toddlers, children and adults
-Toiletries – Deodorant, Toothpaste, Tooth Brushes, Bar Soap, Baby Powder, Laundry Soap (powder)
-Diapers - Baby, Medium & Large - sizes 3 and up / Adult, Small & Medium for special need adults
-Baby Wipes
-Snacks - Peanut butter crackers / Cheese crackers / Cookies - Individually wrapped - six in a pack.
-Food - Dry Milk / Dry Baby Food (cereal), Rice & Beans, Peanut Butter
-Vitamins - Gummy Bears Vitamins for Children / Adult Vitamins, Liquid Iron supplement for children, Iron tablets for adults, Vitamin C for children and adults
-Medicine - Cough & Cold Medicines for children and adults, Tylenol for children and adults
-Medical Supplies - bandages, ointments, wound care for children and adults
-Sheets, towels, wash cloths, blankets – used is okay if in good condition
-Trash bags in all sizes
-Ziploc Gallon Bags
-Large tarps to cover roofs
-Flash lights
-Generators, any size
Please label box or bag with items enclosed, "assorted clothing" or "medical supplies" or "toiletries". This is a big help for us with customs.
Thank you for your giving heart for those affected by Hurricane Matthew!
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