Monday, October 24, 2016

Haiti Update

As days pass with no food, desperation in the remote  mountain villages increases.  The torrential rains and destroyed homes add to the problem. Without help from the government or major organizations, the help that you are sending became the first and only aid for the hundreds of people that God has allowed us to reach. With so many houses destroyed from the hurricane, many people are seeking shelter in nearby caves. Gardens, trees and animals are wiped out, making the main food sources unavailable.

We are continuing to distribute food directly to the people in the unreached areas by boats and trucks. Thousands of people are still waiting in desperate conditions. We must all pray for national attention from the Haitian government and Washington.  As the rains continue, exposure and hunger grip the lives of thousands of people without their first handout. If you could just see how grateful the people that we have been able to reach are. We have already distributed  over 25 tons of food and 200 tarps. With God's help, we will be sending our Haitian builders out with tin and supplies to secure damaged buildings that we can use for receiving stations when trucks of food, supplies, and container contents arrive.  We have begun sending workers to mountain tops to take a census on families and number houses for distribution.  Many people are still missing.  This is truly a national crisis and we need prayer that national attention will come to these remote isolated  parts of Pestel.
Please visit or call our office at (561)868-5005 to donate funds or to find out about our Pack-A-Box program.

Saturday, October 22, 2016


The drop off containers in Lake Worth, FL will be available until October 30. After that date, we are requesting that the Pack-A-Box donations be shipped to the flight companies listed on our website at We will continue to collect funds to purchase food and supplies in Haiti as we have been doing. We distributed the supplies that have arrived in Haiti so far and we are ready for the other container shipments to arrive. We appreciate your donations! There is so much to be done. These are a few pictures of food and aid distribution in the areas that had not received any help until we arrived. It was difficult to leave so many people with so many needs. It has been raining every day and without tarps, thousands of people must live without a roof over what is left of their homes. We appreciate each and every one of you. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Hunger in the Mountians

The hunger here in the mountains of Haitiwhere the winds of Hurricane Matthew were the strongest is beyond anything that we had imagined. It looks as if there was a nuclear explosion. Until now, their tears and cries have been unnoticed by the outside world. We are the first to arrive in these unreached areas where the people are living in survival mode. God has helped us through some dangerous roads. Although we have security with us, we have been safe and have not needed it. The roads that we have been driving on in the mountains have been very rough. Many of the roads seemed impossible to travel on and are in need of a bulldozer to clear the way, but we pressed on to get there. Today we are in the mountains of Pestel and tomorrow we will travel to the coastal villages. Thursday, we will go to three mountains that people say are flattened by the storm. We are told that the people there are desperate for help. No help has been to the places that we have been and are going to. The crops and trees are barron. We are setting up major distribution points for the masses and going from house to house when needed. The crowds are so desperate for food and tarps. There are thousands stranded due to houses being destroyed or missing roofs. The churches that could have been used for refuge are destroyed also. It rained all night last night and people slept out in the open when they could not find cover. We are estimating that 5,000 tarps are needed ASAP. Pestel is unrecognizable. It is terrible to see the people that you love suffering to this extent. All of the work that we have done in building centers is gone. They are so grateful for this food that we purchased in Port-Au-Prince with donations. It is giving them hope. We are encouraging them and and letting them know that God has not forgotten them. We met with Dr. Philip and his plea is to get food to three extremely high mountains. We are sending for more food and having people come down from the mountains and haul it up. This will take them hours through the mud, but we cannot get our vehicles there. We badly need a helicopter to bring food and supplies.  Dr. Philip said that 30 people have died from the storm in this area and an additional 6 have died of Cholera. There are 6 more people here with active Cholera. His concerns are of possible epidemics of the Flu and Malaria. We are leaving for Caye la Salle where they are in serious need of food. We will then go to Jeanbouline and send for people to come from the mountains that we cannot reach for food distribution.  NO major organizations are here and we are going to contact some immediately when we return to Port-Au-Prince. Many of these people will die of hunger and disease if we don't get more national help. 

We cannot thank you enough for your continued prayer support. Now that we know the needs first hand, we are posting a revised list of much needed items. Please consider donating funds, food or supplies. The supplies can be dropped off at the locations on our website at You can donate there also. God bless each and every one of you.
Miriam Frederick

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Haiti Update

Hi everyone, we haven't wasted a minute today going full speed utilizing every staff Member and volunteers, going In all directions, even  to the D.R. Border to pick up a truckload of medication we are so grateful for purchased and coordinated by IFJ. We were able purchase tons of food and 200 tarps, and also sent a huge truck with 200  boxes of food yesterday and water with our Haitian staff. The truck broke down but all working out. Tools for clearing roads were sent to Jeremie as well as Pestel last week, preparing some isolated areas especially in the mountains to get  in to distribute. Our supreme goal and prayer is to reach the In-reached in the Hard to reach areas with life saving food, medical, and clean water, and also identify Where the Cholera areas are not yet reported. We have Dr, Steve Schroering, am Orthopedic surgeon from our BOD. He  brought large suitcases of casting material that Dr. Philip requested. Another team just leaving left various over the counter meds.  We've had both Toyota land cruisers serviced so all in all we will be  leaving tomorrow with four packed vehicles, and Hugh trucks of food  going ahead. We know that God has placed his angels of protection  over all of us as well as over all of this precious food and supplies.  Please keep this entire work team in your prayers. The phone calls begging for assistance are critical. Our only desire now is to reach them quickly.  We couldn't be doing Any of this without your love and sacrifice. Just wanted to give you  an update before we leave as we never know if any communication is available.
Many Blessings, Miriam
Love has no border


Saturday, October 8, 2016

Hurricane Matthew


We are sending out a list of desperately needed items for Haiti that will go directly to the most remote mountains and coastal villages of Haiti where we have and continue to work for years. These villages of over 120,000 have only one doctor, that is desperate for meds knowing Cholera, Typhoid,  Zika, Dysentery and Malaria will now become an immediate crisis . These villages NEVER  have been reached by bigger organizations or the Goverment. They are extremely remote and difficult to reach, but is where our heart is. 120,000 are now in desperate need, WE NEED YOUR HELP!. Please, pack a box" of GOOD usable quality items.

In Palm Beach county this week, there will be a container by Wednesday at Trinity Church International 7255 S. Military Trail, Lake Worth, Fl. 33463  

 A second  container will be at 1177 W. Blue Heron Blvd. Riveria Beach, Fl. 33404.  

The drop off times are from 9am to 6:00pm until they are filled. 

There will also be a drop off point at WRMB radio station in Boynton beach. Please Label each box, World Harvest Missions." Haiti Hurricane Relief" 

For Other areas in the country, please help us by taking the time also to "Pack a box"  then mark - World Harvest Missions, PAP Haiti " Hurricane Relief."  send to

Missionary Flts Intl. In Vero Beach Fla. call 772-462-2395. They will tell you how and how much per lb. to send. We will receive this right away in Haiti and
distribute to the un reached areas.
You can also call and send a  box to Agape Flts, in Venus Fla. to Gladis Mungo, a missionary stationed in the south. Address Gladys Mongo, Hurricane Relief  Aux Caye Haiti. These boxes will help us to pick up also near remote areas. Agape is 941-488-0990. Please call for instructions per lb. Please mark on box in corner initials NLFK. (short for New Life For Kids.) for any further questions please call our Fla. office 561-561-868-5005 .  

Thank you for being Gods hands extended. Please don't forget to tape a packing list to each box. Packing a box saves time and allows quick delivery to Haiti . Please keep the boxes coming as this will not go away for a long time. Consider telling your friend please to get the word out as many wonder how they can help. Perhaps send a box a month to keep help coming. Funds are needed badly to purchase food and medicine, etc.  Go to to donate. We will be going over next week to distribute in many locations with the funds received on our hurricane site. 

 Container Donation / Needs List Haiti:

-Water in Bottles and Gallons 

-Clothing – all items needed for toddlers, children and adults 

-Shoes / Sandals – for toddlers, children and adults 

-Toiletries – Deodorant, Toothpaste, Tooth Brushes, Bar Soap, Baby Powder, Laundry Soap    (powder) 

-Diapers - Baby, Medium & Large - sizes 3 and up / Adult, Small & Medium for special  need adults 

-Baby Wipes 

-Snacks - Peanut butter crackers / Cheese  crackers / Cookies - Individually wrapped - six    in a pack. 

-Food - Dry Milk / Dry Baby Food (cereal), Rice & Beans, Peanut Butter 

-Vitamins - Gummy Bears Vitamins for Children / Adult Vitamins, Liquid Iron supplement for children, Iron tablets for adults, Vitamin C for  children and adults 

-Medicine - Cough & Cold Medicines for children and adults, Tylenol for children and adults 

-Medical Supplies - bandages, ointments, wound  care for children   and adults 

-Sheets, towels, wash cloths, blankets – used is  okay if in good   condition 

-Trash bags in all sizes 

-Ziploc Gallon Bags 

-Large tarps to cover roofs 

-Flash lights 


-Generators, any size

Please label box or bag with items enclosed, "assorted clothing" or "medical supplies" or "toiletries". This is a big help for us with customs.

Thank you for your giving heart for those affected by Hurricane Matthew!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016


It's been a rough couple of days for those of us who received the news about Jacques. He was a shining light to all of us, but now he is a shining light in Heaven. He is singing and dancing and praising God with unspeakable joy. He isn't out of breath or struggling to breathe. Each time God blesses us with a new child, we know that we have been "touched by an angel." You couldn't come in contact with him or experience him in worship without being changed. Watching him was like being lifted up to heaven itself!

Jacque was found abandoned at General Hospital when he was three years old. He was termed "grossly malnourished." He had severe Pulmonary Tuberculosis, severe asthma, and a very large tubercular cyst on his neck that would later have to be lanced. He came to New Life when he was about three years old and we put him on a TB program for 15 months. He made great improvement quickly due to meds, good care, love and affection. This can be the greatest medicine of all. What a blessing it is to see children like Jacque who come into New Life so broken emotionally and physically, begin to run and play and throw their little arms around you to return that love. There aren't enough words to say thank you to God and to all those who make it possible for broken and hurting children like Jacque to come through our gate and be transformed.
I wonder just what Jacque went through for the first few years of his life to reach such a horrible condition. I wonder about the days and nights of hunger when his little frail body coughed up blood and was filled with fever. I wonder how alone and forgotten he felt with no one there. No child should ever suffer this pain, but there are many who do. Social services continue to give us so many abandoned children. Most of them are severely crippled, sick and hurting on arrival. I could tell stories and show photos that would keep most people awake all night. We have received kids found in the
dump, those dying of severe malnutrition, and those with many other desperate conditions. The pain that they suffer is unspeakable. New Life was birthed as a rescue center, therefore we have had to deal with so much death over the years. Our ministry began in the mountains in bringing back children whose lives were hanging on by a thread. Many of these children died on the way back to receive medical help. Some passed away in the hospital, but most lived because of New Life and the loving nannies and people who care and embrace each one of them with God’s love. Jacque was so happy and he made others happy too, but we must not ever forget that many of the children at New Life are still in the process of healing and others carry the pain of their past and the results of the lack of care or immunizations that they didn’t receive. Although they shine with joy, some will never walk or talk. Jacque carried the terribly scarred lungs and severe asthma that would follow him throughout his life and cause him to struggle to breath even with doctor visits and breathing treatments.

Jacque couldn't talk very well, but he could communicate with everyone. Much of the time he lived in his own world. He went around checking on each person and “reporting" on anything that he felt needed attention. Often, he would ask for a passport to go to the U.S. One day we told him that we needed him here at New Life to administrate since he did it so well. He was so proud and we had a make believe ceremony and gave him a badge, a play phone, a pen and paper. He was constantly on the phone carrying on conversations that were so real to him. Sometimes I would ask who he was talking to and he would say Sherry or Daniel. He handed us and many visitors daily reports that only he could understand and then he would stand proud as we would commend him on his great job, sometimes rewarding him with treats. I remember seeing him out in the water on one of our beach trips. In front of him was a line of children waiting for him to baptize them. One by one, he would dip them in the ocean and then raise them up. After they would catch their breath, he would motion to the next child that it was their turn. I am convinced that this made God smile. I can't speak enough about how this young man would get lost in worship or the countless times that I can recall him dancing, praising God with all his heart and lifting up his voice and hands to the Lord.

Over the last the last several months he seemed to be struggling more and more, but he never stopped smiling, helping out or worshiping. He was such a part of all of our lives and it's difficult to imagine New Life without Jacque. Today, he is singing and worshiping in the presence of our Lord. Thank you Lord for the pleasure of caring for this precious angel of 23 years. It's not easy to loose a child, but God has taught us that He alone knows what is best, and if Jacque's life had been prolonged, perhaps the suffering of trying to breathe would have become unbearable. We don't have all of the answers and we grieve his absence terribly, but we also celebrate his joys now. We have learned that some of these children are only loaned to us for a season of hours, days or years and it is a privilege to love and care for them. Today was very difficult for us all and for me personally. I pray that God will continue to help us more than ever to rescue more and more children. I pray that He will bless each person that helps us to rescue and provide for theses kids. When we left for the airport just before Christmas, he reminded us that he wanted a passport and that he wanted to be adopted. He is in heaven now; adopted into the family of God. We will see him again some day.

We will be making a trip to General Hospital soon. We will go to the abandoned children ward that would make you cry. There are aisles and aisles of children crying and crying in very small beds with their hands tied to each side of the rails. Each one of them is hurting and needing someone to care. There are many more Jacques waiting to be rescued and loved. He is in a better place. Others are waiting for hands to pick them up and tell them to hush their crying. We love you and are taking you home.

Miriam and all of us at New Life.