Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Subject: Excitement at New Life!

Kids are kids everywhere.  We've been so blessed with several guests coming to spend Christmas with us. We spent the last few days, bagging and distributing food for a tent city, visiting orphanages with food and surprises. The excitement on the kids’ faces is more than heartwarming.  We were so surprised to have a visit from social, services, about eleven people, some dressed up like Santa, passed out chips and candy while our kids sang with them.  We spent a full day   this week working our way thought tons of traffic, and roadblocks to shop, for the special, dinner tomorrow for everyone. Even though our Christmas tree looks like it had malnutrition, it's beautiful, as the kids did some personal decorations. Our children spent the day cleaning inside and out, excited about tomorrow. You would think someone really special is coming, and it's not Santa! We invited our PAPPY SAM who for years had lived at New Life and been a Loving Pappy, and Grand pappy to our children. He loved them so much and then God called him to help struggling orphanage hours away. We invited Pappy Sam and the orphanage of fifty children to join us tomorrow where we bagged up extra goodies that teams brought, that our children will give. They also made special cards for pappy Sam. We’ll have the Christmas story together in the church after lunch, present their surprises, and then have SLIP AND SLIDE fun, and end the day with hot dogs at night. What a blessing. Thank you everyone who have made this so special for all of our children. Tonight, they are building an outdoor fire for a fun time with music and SMORES, MERRY CHRISTMAS FROM ALL OF US...From All the children and staff.  Blessings, Miriam

Love has no borders...You have never really lived...until you have done something for someone who can never repay you....
Miriam Frederick

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Today was truly a special day! Although all that we do at New Life is Christ centered, God began to speak to me months ago about our children being baptized. I continued to pray about it and this week we had a team from Georgia that God sent to fill that gap from Covington Baptist Church. We purposed that we would spend Sunday, Monday and Tuesday services to prepare them and thoroughly teach them being sure of their personal relationship with Jesus. Today we loaded the school bus and two other vehicles, of guests and drove to a beautiful spring where twenty two of our children were baptized. It was a day to remember. We celebrated with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and juice. As much hard work here as goes into their daily care, there was something so special about today, as each one confirmed their personal relationship with their Lord that gave us such a sense of joy and peace. I think of each sponsor and person that gives and prays for them how this is the greatest give of all to all of us, and picture how heaven must stand still as God watches one by one these children who came in so broken and sick, now made totally whole committing their whole lives to Him. We are meeting with the others with special classes who will soon follow.

Miriam Frederick, New Life Children's Home  

Love has no borders

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Every day at New Life seems to bring new joy. Although each day is special with so much activity and so many children, this past week has been awesome. A few nights ago, just before devotions, Jean Rony, one of the boys who grew up at New Life and now works with us, put some upbeat Christian music on the loud speaker. As I sat with Lovence and others holding on to me, I felt like God said, "just STOP and LOOK and LISTEN!" The joy was unspeakable. Almost every child was singing or dancing. Some were having fun playing ball, the special needs kids all sat lined up in their wheelchairs, doing their best to sing and rejoice. The nannies began to dance around with a baby in their arms and the toddlers were wiggling their little hips and arms with every beat while other kids were chasing each other playing tag. It was as if time stood still as I absorbed the fun and laughter that the kids were experiencing. I remembered the many horrible conditions that these children came from. Most arrived here traumatized with battered emotions. The sounds of laughter and fun that I was experiencing was the result of God's love being poured into these children through the daily devoted care that so many faithful people provide. One of the reasons that these children are thriving is because of the time and unconditional love that many wonderful teams visiting New Life are pouring into them. Tonight, as each Friday night, the kids ate popcorn and watched a DVD together. Tammi, a faithful sponsor of ours, had provided a special meal for them to make it extra nice as they celebrated birthdays. I sat there and whispered a prayer as I watched each child. Thank you God for your love, and thank you that New Life is a HAPPY PLACE !

Blessings: Miriam

Sunday, April 8, 2012

New Life Children's Home: update

I can’t believe I have already been at New Life for four days. I’ve experienced many emotions and situations I have wanted to share – but time always slips away. As usual, as soon as we drove away from the airport here in Haiti I felt at home. Once inside the gate at New Life a peace came that I can’t describe. Children rushed forward to welcome Renee and me. It was such a wonderful feeling being hugged by so many at once that I nearly lost my balance. Yet that night I unpacked my three bags and laid the beautiful dresses in any space I could find. I just couldn’t wait to show them to the girls. We were able to spend some time with Miriam before she began packing to leave the next day for the States.

Stories were told at dinner about the number of tarantulas that had been seen about, with one person finding the “visitor” on her pillow. I’m not normally afraid of spiders, but tarantulas would definitely NOT be a desired roommate! I can handle the geckos on the walls now – but not sure what I would do with a spider of that make and model! So – the first night while preparing for bed, I would have to admit to having the heebie-jeebies! Neither of us slept the best, despite no spider sightings, but we did have a wonderful, cooling rain.

Our first full day was spent with getting reacquainted with the kids and enjoying every second. In anticipation of our upcoming art auction “Hearts for Haiti” in early August, we set the older boys up with canvas and paint and told them to “express away” – as there are many of them with amazing artistic talent. The painting table was placed in the shade and it seems like the table has been occupied for three full days, as the boys come and go creating beautiful Haitian scenes. We are truly excited to bring home their personal art and anticipate that they will receive rave reviews and donations to help us/Impact for Jesus purchase water filtration systems for the people in the mountains who have NO clean water source. Other people staying at New Life are already expressing the desire to purchase the art. MY joy comes from watching them paint. I asked through translation if they enjoy what they are doing. All heads shook in agreement. Someone said that he was thankful that we liked their work and it made them feel good about themselves. YEAH! You can’t put a price on providing a way to promote self-worth. They try to suppress their smiles when we praise them. A clean work sight is NOT their gift, however… We were able to meet the four new babies who arrived since we were here in February. A room for babies has had to be created, as there are now five children less than a year old. The older girls have stepped up to the plate and help the nannies with all the many things the babies require. The most wonderful news is that the four most recent children were all suffering with various disorders, but now after medical care, nutritious feedings and loving attention 24/7 – they are thriving and greatly improved.

You may remember my dear little girl Rosena, who we brought back to New Life in October from the mountains. Suddenly she seems so big and mature compared to the babies. I’ve been told that she “runs the show” and makes her desires known. After spending about 10 minutes with her I found myself following her little finger that pointed to where she wanted to go. She shakes her head “no” without hesitation if you get off course. Another highlight of Thursday was having the girls pick out a new dress for Easter. The beautiful dresses that I brought were made by a woman named Bonnie Oliver from Elmhurst. A group of young Moms who meet regularly at Wheatland Salem donated bows, ribbons, and other needed items. So once the girls picked out their dress – tried it on – and got five of us ranting and raving about their beauty, they selected a hair accessory. It was such fun to see their excitement, too!

Thursday night we had a downpour that cooled down the temperature, making it a bit easier to fall asleep. But rain always makes me think about the half MILLION people who remain in a tent city. I doubt they look forward to the rainy season which has come. This will in turn add to the cholera problem and once again people will die of a treatable disease all because they have NO clean water. I don’t think many of us know anyone who struggles with no water on their property, let alone a local well. Thousands walk miles each day to get water – only now it’s contaminated from raw sewage! NO spider activity – day two – I am no longer jumpy and preoccupied with creatures. GOOD FRIDAY was just that. We had lots of fun with the kids all day. I got beat at about six games of UNO and tried not to show my competitive side which can be pretty whiney. We decorated foam crosses so they could each have one for their own. They had the new kite flying high in the air which competed with another kite in the sky flown by someone down the street, only the neighbors kite had shredded black plastic for the tail and was home made. The kids got so excited trying to get their kite higher and higher.

I should mention that when I first came down in the morning Rene’, Frenzy, and Fedner were all at New Life – even though they had the day off since it was Good Friday. Little Patty, my Godchild, Rene’s daughter was with them as a surprise. She was dressed so cute and her hair was braided to perfection. She had a cute little purse on her should so I asked what was inside. First she pulled out a little dress I had brought for her and I was so touched that she had brought it with her. But then she pulled out her nightgown, followed by a clean pair of “un-dees” and last – her toothbrush! Rene’ was so surprised and he laughed and laughed. Patty shared that she was spending the night with me. She calls me her “mother-in-law.” She had a great day playing with all the children who were SO great with her. She loved having all the room to run and play. As the afternoon came to a close it was time for her and the guys to go home. Patty was told that until she learned English she couldn’t stay with me because I wouldn’t understand if she needed something. Her demeanor immediately changed and I thought my heart would break. She left by giving me a tight hug, but was very mad at her “Papa.” Too cute!

Friday’s dinner was the tradition – fish. The children had fish as well. At evening devotions I asked about 10 questions to the children to see what they knew about why we call it Good Friday and what took place on that day over 2,000 years ago. I was very impressed with all they knew and I wasn’t able to stump them. It was a good opportunity to discuss what Christ asked of his disciples, why He had to die, and the importance of not just asking for forgiveness – but to make an effort to change our ways to avoid further sin. It was a humbling and blessed time for me, as well. It seemed everyone had a “good Friday” and the children’s day ended with a movie and popcorn - a Friday night tradition.

Earlier in the afternoon a team came with suitcase after suitcase of treats to make 300 Easter Baskets! We all put our goodies together in the most organized way possible. The diverse amount of candy and little toys was unbelievable. Can you even picture the size of the pile of 1,700 filled plastic eggs?

End of day three – No longer even thinking about tarantulas… Today we had a busy morning as Renee and I went to Pastor Smith’s church to witness Frenzy getting baptized. He invited us to come and we were honored to be present for the event that had deep meaning to him. We told him he is officially our “little brother” now! When we returned the filling of Easter bags was underway. Wherever you looked in the dining room was an Easter bag. We got the job done by lunch and all the bags counted out and divided so that tomorrow three different orphanages will have the fun of receiving a bag filled with all kinds of goodies. The group sponsoring this generous offering is called My Neighbor’s Children. Their generosity also includes the provision of a huge Easter dinner tomorrow for the three orphanages, New Life being one of them. They spent several hours at the open air market this morning purchasing all the vegetables and such. They even had a man come up to the car hoping to sell them the head of a cow! I guess that really added to the experience.

The day has now come to a close, at least for Renee and me. The heat has a way of wearing you down. (Or maybe I should speak for myself!) The children just finished evening devotions and are about to watch another movie tonight as a treat. We talked about the reasons Christ was crucified last night and tomorrow we will celebrate His victory over death. I explained to the children on Thursday that when people come to New Life to visit, they should realize that the visitors are sent by God to give them HIS love! They should look at this as an answer to their prayers – as when they pray for God to help them, love them, and provide for them – HE sends people to do just that! The people who come most generally are responding to a call from God. They represent God’s love and God’s response to their prayer. THAT’S how God can work – through us! I assured them of my love for each of them – but suggested that they feel the love of God through me and others. AND – at the same time, they can give that love to each other just as God asks of them. Wouldn’t that be some kind of kingdom on earth – if we all practiced loving each other unconditionally?

May each of you have a wonderful Easter celebration and thank you for your prayers as we continue to spread His love from our end on the world. I can assure you He is giving that love back to us 10 fold.

Patty Meyer

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Grocery Shopping In Haiti

This is Haiti…you either smile and move ahead like everything is normal, or commit yourself!

Do you have any idea how much work I have to do shopping for the teams arriving today and tomorrow? We had both Toyotos serviced today. The one that was ready so we could have it for the weekend, did not get picked up and they are locked inside till Monday, so Andremese and I hitched a ride in the back of the box truck to the grocery store…the front seat was taken up with people hitching a ride to get materials to build benches. The back of the truck was left open and the truck had loads of boxes of food so we thought we would be comfortable for the half-hour ride over the bumpy road…then the boxes all started to fall over on us!

The windows were closed and we were screaming and banging on the front but the truck was too noisy for them to hear us! We were ducking and banging and screaming, “STOP!” but no one heard us. My hand was bleeding from banging, the boxes were falling out of the back, we were trying to catch them and hold them and the truck kept speeding up! 

The neighbors and street people were getting a free show while Andremese and I were like wild people who needed a cage! Finally, they stopped! We were black with dirt and I jumped over onto whoever’s lap I had to sit on for the few miles left. We are now in the grocery store. Andremese said my clothes and back were black! I told her hers was too and she had dirt all over her, but I had blood! Needless to say, we have no pride left!

Love has no borders

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Haiti Update

To all of our friends, this has been an awesome week in Haiti, it's the week of Carnival, a full week of celebration all over Haiti, but a time you don't want to go out unless necessary as it can also get pretty wild. School  has been out, so we've had about 100 angels here everyday.!  Did i say angels?  Many of the churches also use this time to gather together and have special services, and that's what we did !  It has been so awesome this week with the kids each night, the nannies joining us.  We focused on repentance, prayer and worship. I wish you  could have seen these kids as they sincerely began to move into such deep worship and the presence of the Lord was so real each night. Then they would all get on their knees and pray with all their heart, then begin to stand and worship again, as Eranas, who was brought to us as a small boy almost totally blind, and writes his own music, played the organ,   We were only going to go for three days, but then after three nights, the Lords presence was do real,  they were eager to return tonight and tomorrow night also.

Tonight was so awesome as we watched them praise and worship, with their hands raised to God thanking Him for all of His blessing. The special needs kids especially captured my heart watching them sincerely worship. Even though they could not be understood by man, the expressions coming out of them had to make the angels stand still. Samsons hands were both lifted in such praise, he is the one from a wheelchair you find almost daily in a room In the orphanage praying with all his heart for thirty minutes to an hour with such sincerity, we could never understand a word, but it is with all his heart, and God understands every word. Christina, who was abused as a small child and a young lady now, just danced and danced to praise music while our little  Schnido was by my side playing his little tambourine .

Then at prayer time he bowed his enlarged head. I reached over and helped him hold his head so heavy , being Hydrocephalic, as he prayed thinking what a blessing he us to all of us, and how one day, all these special needs kids will meet us in heaven completely whole.I watched as they all sang with all their hearts in creole,  The Love of God is richer far, than tongue or pen could ever tell,....  if we with ink, the oceans fill, and were the sky, of parchment made, were every stalk on earth a quill, and every man, a scribe by trade, to write the love of God above , would drain the oceans dry, nor would the scroll, contain the whole, though stretched from sky to sky!!!! They sang it over and over with such sincerity of worship..it's been a great week. We are so grateful that these kids who came from such painful circumstances can really know the true love of God. Thank you for making a difference in their lives with your love and prayers.        

Love has no border

Monday, February 13, 2012

New Life Children's Home: update

What a great Sunday! There was so much excitement ! This was the day to unload the bus! They each went to their Sunday school classes, then gathered in the church for worship, changed their clothes,and had their lunch then finally, our driver drove the bus over where it would be unloaded . We have two great teams here finishing up some needed construction projects. They helped us put up a large tent that would house the items as the kids helped unload. There were so many little hands, and great fun as they just had to stop and try out the hula hoops and play with the toys. Each item was exciting to them,as they all pitched in! Wow! Needed Batteries for the inverter system, clothes, toys, a tv, sound system, lawn mower, tools, wheelchairs and walkers, everything in great condition. but..... This was just the beginning...  After it was empty, 80 excited kids climbed in opened the windows and began to sing and dance and play for the next three hours, such excitement you've never heard. I sat myself on a seat in the midst of a chaotic fun circus and even though I could hardly breath while kids were climbing all over me, it was great fun as they expressed their sheer joy in uncontrollable fun and joy. I was so grateful for the blessings of God for them, but also so grateful to see these kids who came into new life so broken with sickness, disease, malnutrition, loss of limbs from the earthquake and brokenness from loss of parents and various tragedies, acting like kids should act with all the fun and laughter it's taken years for some to be healed, months or days for others, but it made me so grateful to God for the many people who make new life possible where children from all over Haiti come through the gate sick and broken,but find absolute New Life where the healing power of God touches them inside and out and they become real children that can experience the love and peace and joy they deserve as children, along with a hope and a future. We ended the day with a hot dog and ice cream party. Thank you everyone for making New Life possible through your prayers and gifts.you are surly HIS HAND EXTENDED! Love and blessings.

Miriam and all, the kids and staff ..   
Love has no border

Saturday, February 11, 2012


We are all so excited!!! Our school bus arrived today, and what a beauty!! The police held it up for not having a Haiti inspection, but let it go when they knew it was for the kids and just came through customs and had not been able to get the inspection yet. When they drove it through the gate, the kids were anxiously waiting, then,..... as they drove this beautiful bus in, they began to scream so loud, jumping up and down in the most exciting powerful praise you could ever imagine they must have yelled, and jumped up and down for half an hour, they wouldn't quit. They went on and on like I have never seen them, so excited. They kept touching it and climbing inside although they could not pass all the contents loaded inside. It looks like everything arrived safely. It was dusk, so we got as many photos as possible and they all are anxious to see it tomorrow morning before school. It is in such great condition. I can't believe it is ours! Even the special needs kids will be able to go on outings now. It just happened that out artist came in today, just in time which will write NEW LIFE CHILDREN'S HOME on it and draw our little kids on it. It was so special to see the little hands on it from the kids who helped load in the U.S. We are so very grateful for all the sacrifices made for these children, the wonderful family who donated such a beautiful bus in such good condition, and for Marcha, who inspired everyone to get involved with her great faith, and for all of the special gifts on the bus. Unloading it will be like Christmas for us all! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! This will give years of service and happiness to all of our children. It is like a dream come true for us all here. Photos will follow ..

Blessings Miriam and all the kids at New Life Children's Home.
Love has no border

Sunday, February 5, 2012

New Life Children's Home: update

Dear Friends

It is with great joy that I come to you all. God continues to bless us and watch over us here at New Life. Our clinics up in the mountains of Pestel have been saving a tremendous number of lives. There have been many stories, and we wish that we could share them all with you, but one in particular really grabbed our hearts. While in Pestel we treated a woman who was on the verge of death due to cholera. She was not just a woman, but was mother to 8 children, all of which she cared for. She was slowly fading away, and to us all, it seemed like a miracle from God was the only thing that would save her. So we prayed. We thought about the 8 children who would become like Alex, whose mother recently passed from cholera, and we prayed even more. We prayed for her life and that God would not allow this woman to become yet another statistic. After 4 days of medical treatment, and 32 liters of IV fluids, she finally turned a corner for the best. What a blessing it was to see her sitting up on that cot, knowing that soon she would be returning to her children again, and that their mommy would be saved. There are so many more personal stories as cholera cases continue to come into our tents daily. Lives are being saved and this could not be done without your prayers and support. We continue to desperately need funds that are solely designated for cholera emergencies. Only in heaven will you see the reward of your faithfulness and prayers.

Our clinics have been saving lives and today we were able to embark on a new journey. We visited a few local hospitals to see various babies who have been abandoned and left with nothing. The babies ranged in age from one month old to two years. A special little boy named Ti-John (little John) will soon become part of our family along with 4 or 5 other infants. Ti-John suffers from hydrocephalus, which is a build up of fluid inside the skull. He will soon become little brother to Chinaido, who also suffers from this same abnormality. Without your prayers and support none of these precious babies would be able to stay at New Life, so thank you for your continued prayer and financial contributions. We look forward to your visits and sponsorships of these new little angels.

Love In Christ,

New Life Children’s Home

Friday, January 27, 2012

God has Blessed New Life Children's Home

Dear Friends,

Over the past month, God has blessed New Life with an overflow of volunteers, who have generously given their time and skills to make New Life an even more beautiful oasis in the heart of Port Au Prince, Haiti. We want to give a very special thank you to all of the people who contributed to the building efforts here at New Life. In one week, a team was able to build a beautiful recreation room for the children, as well as a great addition to our shower house. The end product was astounding and breathtaking! Now the children at New Life have an indoor place to play games, read books, learn and watch their favorite sporting events on television. This team also put an extension on our depot to provide shade and coverage for outdoor supplies and resources. We also were blessed with a team of men who came in to repair and chlorinate an existing well that was unable to be used due to contamination. New Life now has a working well, that the children use to get clean water for drinking and cleaning dishes and clothes. In the past month, bathrooms have been repaired, tile has been laid, buildings have been built, wells have been cleaned, and children have experienced a tremendous amount of love. Thank you for continuing to support us at New Life and thank you for your willingness to serve here. We would be nothing without you!! Thank you for your continued generosity, prayers, love and time.

New Life Children’s Home

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Cholera in Pestel update

Dear Friends,

We are so glad to report that all of your hard work and prayers are paying off. From December 1st to Jan 12th there have been 212 cases of cholera and 59 deaths. Since setting up our cholera stations and providing people with training in sanitation, many lives have been saved. We have also distributed Aquatabs and oral rehydration salts to many of these cholera patients. From January 12th January 28th only 48 new cases or cholera have occurred, with only 3 deaths. We are on our way to the mountains again where we will be transporting more supplies and medication to distribute to the emergency cholera stations that we set up on our first visit. Deaths due to cholera have decreased in this region because patients are no longer required to walk hours down rugged terrain to receive medical care. Those who would have died due to the long journey are now surviving. It is so sad for us to see these cholera patients suffer with watery diarrhea and vomiting, but your prayers and donations are helping to heal them and give them life. At our stations we pray with each patient. They are so grateful for the help and prayers.

On this trip to the mountains we will be holding two open-air medical clinics and will continue to care for the cholera patients. We really need your help. We had to hire two nurses per station, and workers to man each station. We must keep these workers at these stations for at least three more months. The rainy season in Haiti begins in March, which is when cholera usually increases. Too many people have already died needlessly. Please help us replenish our funds by marking donations to the cholera emergency fund. We are so grateful.

Love in Christ,
Miriam Fredrick
New Life Children’s Home