To all of our friends, this has been an awesome week in Haiti, it's the week of Carnival, a full week of celebration all over Haiti, but a time you don't want to go out unless necessary as it can also get pretty wild. School has been out, so we've had about 100 angels here everyday.! Did i say angels? Many of the churches also use this time to gather together and have special services, and that's what we did ! It has been so awesome this week with the kids each night, the nannies joining us. We focused on repentance, prayer and worship. I wish you could have seen these kids as they sincerely began to move into such deep worship and the presence of the Lord was so real each night. Then they would all get on their knees and pray with all their heart, then begin to stand and worship again, as Eranas, who was brought to us as a small boy almost totally blind, and writes his own music, played the organ, We were only going to go for three days, but then after three nights, the Lords presence was do real, they were eager to return tonight and tomorrow night also.
Tonight was so awesome as we watched them praise and worship, with their hands raised to God thanking Him for all of His blessing. The special needs kids especially captured my heart watching them sincerely worship. Even though they could not be understood by man, the expressions coming out of them had to make the angels stand still. Samsons hands were both lifted in such praise, he is the one from a wheelchair you find almost daily in a room In the orphanage praying with all his heart for thirty minutes to an hour with such sincerity, we could never understand a word, but it is with all his heart, and God understands every word. Christina, who was abused as a small child and a young lady now, just danced and danced to praise music while our little Schnido was by my side playing his little tambourine .
Then at prayer time he bowed his enlarged head. I reached over and helped him hold his head so heavy , being Hydrocephalic, as he prayed thinking what a blessing he us to all of us, and how one day, all these special needs kids will meet us in heaven completely whole.I watched as they all sang with all their hearts in creole, The Love of God is richer far, than tongue or pen could ever tell,.... if we with ink, the oceans fill, and were the sky, of parchment made, were every stalk on earth a quill, and every man, a scribe by trade, to write the love of God above , would drain the oceans dry, nor would the scroll, contain the whole, though stretched from sky to sky!!!! They sang it over and over with such sincerity of's been a great week. We are so grateful that these kids who came from such painful circumstances can really know the true love of God. Thank you for making a difference in their lives with your love and prayers.
Love has no border