service at New Life on Sunday began with worship and special music by our
children The presence of the Lord moved on all of the children after a powerful
message by Pastor Israel about committing it all to Jesus. The children were
welcomed to come and pray and the alters were full. What a precious time it was
as their hearts were poured out in such meaningful prayer and worship. The
Christ Fellowship team prayed for each child as if they were their very own.
Many joyful tears were shed as each of our children then laid their hands on
each team member and offered prayers for them with such sincerity. I
couldn't help but reflect on every precious child here and the conditions they
came to us under. God knew the desperate circumstances of each one, but
He didn't leave them there. They look so healthy, strong and beautiful now and
they love and worship God. In this special church service, It
was as if all of heaven just stopped for a moment and every angel was
worshiping and praising God with us. Through His great love, He rescued
each of these children and brought you into their lives to help support them.
We are so very thankful.