Every day at New Life seems to bring new joy. Although each day is special with so much activity and so many children, this past week has been awesome. A few nights ago, just before devotions, Jean Rony, one of the boys who grew up at New Life and now works with us, put some upbeat Christian music on the loud speaker. As I sat with Lovence and others holding on to me, I felt like God said, "just STOP and LOOK and LISTEN!" The joy was unspeakable. Almost every child was singing or dancing. Some were having fun playing ball, the special needs kids all sat lined up in their wheelchairs, doing their best to sing and rejoice. The nannies began to dance around with a baby in their arms and the toddlers were wiggling their little hips and arms with every beat while other kids were chasing each other playing tag. It was as if time stood still as I absorbed the fun and laughter that the kids were experiencing. I remembered the many horrible conditions that these children came from. Most arrived here traumatized with battered emotions. The sounds of laughter and fun that I was experiencing was the result of God's love being poured into these children through the daily devoted care that so many faithful people provide. One of the reasons that these children are thriving is because of the time and unconditional love that many wonderful teams visiting New Life are pouring into them. Tonight, as each Friday night, the kids ate popcorn and watched a DVD together. Tammi, a faithful sponsor of ours, had provided a special meal for them to make it extra nice as they celebrated birthdays. I sat there and whispered a prayer as I watched each child. Thank you God for your love, and thank you that New Life is a HAPPY PLACE !
Blessings: Miriam